Camp Genaral Vicente, Lukban, Catbalogan, Samar
06 December 2010
Commanding Officer
Mobile Nr: 09159474062
Camp General Vicente Lukban: In response to an article written by one Gina Dean-Ragudo published in Samar News.com on 18 November 2010 . In her article, the author wrote the following allegations against personnel and units of the Command: First is against 2LT Eduardo Mendoza of 34th Infantry Battalion under this Command for distributing unsigned letters forcing barangay captains of Paranas, Samar to attend a meeting in Barangay Calapi, Motiong, Samar. Allegedly, the said unsigned letter was expressly directing the said barangay captains to attend an orientation seminar on Integrated Territorial Defense Security System (ITDSS) and to witness some talks initiated by officials of the province on development projects of the barangay to be given by Congresswoman Milagrosa Tan; Second is about the name of Sgt Romeo Paldez also of 34IB who was also maliciously dragged in again distributing the unsigned letters forcing the barangay captains and SK officials of San Jose de Buan, Samar to attend a similar activity; and Lastly, Ms Gina Dean-Ragudo also indicted certain SSg Guillermo Daga of 52IB of allegedly exerted his influence over some CAFGUs and threatened them to be relieved from duty by transferring them to another area if they refuse to support their SK and ABC candidates in the upcoming elections.
In response to the said article, the 8th Infantry (Stormtroopers) Division, Philippine Army strongly denies all the allegations as written by the author. MGen Mario F Chan, the Commander of the 8th Infantry (Stormtroopers) Division, Philippine Army in his firm statement stated that: “Under my watch, the 8ID remains apolitical and steadfast in its mandate of eradicating the insurgency problem in the area of operations particularly in Samar and Leyte islands to achieve genuine peace and development”.
The 8th Infantry Division has various programs and activities aimed to uplift the well-being of the people in the areas being entrusted to our care. These programs and activities include the Army Literacy Patrol System or ALPS, a national winner of the Literacy Program of the Department of Education benefiting the out-of-school youths and adults illiterates; various medical and dental civic action activities for indigents; Public information Patrol or information awareness among the populace; and the Integrated Territorial Defense Security System (ITDSS) for the barangay populace, among others. These programs and activities are being undertaken in coordination with different stakeholders such as the LGUs, LGAs, NGOs, POs, CSOs, Local Chief Executives irrespective of their political affiliations having that common end of rendering service to our people.
On the allegation of the author, she in fact stated that the alleged letter with the name of 2LT Mendoza that was distributed to the different barangay officials forcibly directing them to attend the ITDSS orientation seminar is unsigned. That being the case, the said letter is in itself an unofficial document that could have been done or made by somebody or anybody with the intention of maligning the 34IB as an organization. While the ITDSS is considered as one of the programs of 34IB, the unit implements it through the spirit of volunteerism by not forcing anybody’s involvement in it if it is against their will and belief. However, since the said program that is aimed to safeguard the barangay from the intrusion of terroristic groups was being conceptualized in the spirit of a bayanihan system that solicit the support of other stakeholders to make it fully work as a system. On the other hand, the alleged involvement of Sgt Romeo Paldez also of 34IB, LTC WILLIAM PENAFIEL JR, the Commanding Officer of the said unit also denies the involvement of his men in any political undertaking. According to him, there is no meeting or assembly related to ITDSS that took place in San Jose de Buan. The headquarters of 34IB is in the heart of San Jose de Buan municipality and if there is any activity related to the programs of 34IB, being the Commander, he is the first one to know. On the allegation that SSg Guillermo Daga of 52IB exerted his influence over some CAFGUs and threatened them to be relieved from duty by transferring them to another area if they refuse to support their SK and ABC candidates in the upcoming elections, is again baseless and unfounded. A mere SSg who is only acting in his capacity as a detachment commander, could not in any manner influence the relief of a CAFGU from his duty considering that CAFGUs are geographical forces aimed to render service in their own locality as prescribed by AFP. Also, the relief of a certain CAFGU from his post or a termination from his duties requires a process and approval from higher headquarters.
While the 8ID stands firm of isolating itself as an organization in politics, it is also a Command policy to get rid of its members who in any manner, committed any acts prejudicial to good order. While we also appreciate the efforts of our friends from the media, we are also calling on them to refrain from publishing such an article that could tarnish the good image of the military as an organization. If indeed they have any legitimate concerns or complaints on the actuations or any infractions committed by our troops, they could present it to us. We will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation on that. We will not tolerate any wrongdoings of our personnel and we assure the people that we are here to serve them, not for the interest of any individuals or groups.
Major General Chan further stressed in his statement, “We have nothing to do with politics. Our business is peace and order of Samar Island. Anyone who will go against peace and order will be subject of our actions as we implement the rule of law. Let us therefore be vigilant and continue to work hand and hand to achieve a genuine peace and ultimately development for the people of this area”. The good General concluded.