This Christmas, the 8th Infantry (Stormtroopers) Division family included in their list of activities a one of a kind “gift giving”, although, this could not level on to the sacrifices that our Lord Jesus Christ made when he died on the cross. This “gift” could somewhat share a life and extend hope to our brethren who are deeply in the midst of hopelessness. The 8ID gave “blood” on Christmas thru a bloodletting activity as a pre-Christmas activity.
While most of us now are very busy preparing the menus for our parties, scanning the brochures for new clothes, checking accounts for budgets, rushing shopping and preparing our long list for gift-giving, there are people who are undeniably hibernating in some corners of our busy communities who cannot afford to do the same thing what majority is doing.
Most of them are dying and badly needs blood transfusion to at least extend their life shortly if they could not sustain it for long. They are our brothers and sisters who humbly need some share of our blood to keep them see the beauty of life that God has lend us. Many of these people die because of some blood that was deprived of them that was suppose to add some more years in their lives.
With the sterling support of the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) Leyte Chapter, the bloodletting activity was made possible. 150 bags of blood each having a capacity of 500cc of blood were collected out of those who volunteered which includes officers and soldiers of the division. Unlike in any other blood letting activities wherein the toughest part is to find those who are willing to donate their blood for free, PNRC proudly said, “Not in 8ID”. 8ID has been very good partner in the bloodletting activity and known to be the biggest source of blood in Region 8.
The moment where the needle is inserted into a vein on their arm is the most nerve-wracking moment of the experience. Not because of fear, but the thought of that, you become a co-creator of our Lord who help extends life. Filling up the bag with almost 500cc with blood that takes about half an hour to almost two hours depending upon the condition of the donor is another story. Some remain conscious and very alert all throughout some doze off half-way. All of them are satisfied that their little sacrifice will save hundreds of lives in the future. Almost all of them would return to donate some more once their bodies have replaced the donated blood because of the call of love to brethren.
Over-all, this simple act of charity and generosity is what makes us truly human and provide as the real meaning of Christmas in our hearts.
Christmas is definitely the most meaningful celebration ever, so why not celebrate it everyday. Let us always commemorate the fulfillment of prophecy when a boy was born by the grace of God that saved us from all of our sins through his own blood… That’s why 8ID gave blood this Christmas…