Sogod, Southern Leyte – In an effort to bring free health services to the less fortunate constituents, the 43rd Infantry (We Search) Battalion, 8th Infantry Division, PA under the leadership of LTC MARIO G LACUROM INF (GSC) PA, in tandem with the Federation of Omega Beneficiaries Incorporated (FOBI), a non-government organization (NGO) that promotes community-based development services for children, youths and families under the supervision of Mr. Edgar Mero, Board of Trustees President, with the assistance of the World Vision Development Foundation and in coordination with the Rural Health Units facilitated a five days Medical and Dental Civic Action Program (MEDCAP) with one target municipality each day.
Medical and Dental Officers from Camp Lukban Station Hospital (CLSH) stationed at 8th ID, PA, Camp Lukban, Maulong, Catbalogan City, Samar and personnel from 43IB, 8ID, PA were able to provide free circumcision, medical consultation, dental services, haircut and other services to the community. Likewise, the Federation of Omega Beneficiaries Incorporated (FOBI), with the assistance of the World Vision Development Foundation, shouldered the medicines needed for the said activity, as well as, provided Medical and Dental doctors.
On December 11, 2007 at about 7:30 in the morning, Medical and Dental Team from CLHS under 1LT FREDERICK M CHICOTE PA, Civil-Military Operations Officer of 43IB, together with the medical and dental doctors of the RHU of Maasin City and the Federation of Omega Beneficiaries Incorporated headed by Ms. Sofia B Pono, FOBI Project Coordinator arrived at the Municipality of Macrohon, Southern Leyte, the first venue of the five days MEDCAP.
The group provided medical and dental consultations, circumcision and other health services to the community. The activity ended at about 5:00 in the afternoon benefiting a total of 417 less fortunate constituents.
On the following day, same group of medical and dental personnel with MAJ EMILIANO M TOLING JR, Executive Officer of 43IB arrived at the